Duolingo, still studying.../FluentU, struggling to cancel...!


So far to date, I've continued studying at Duolingo...maintaining a 39 day -as yet, 'unbroken'- streak. 

I've also managed to maintain being 1st place on the leaderboard.

However, I also come to realise more and more; that maintaining a high leaderboard count; doesn't neccesarily mean you've been managing to make progress along the course...that is, learning 'new' words.

So, one could, in fact, totally 'ignore' being placed in the leaderboard, altogether; and, still be managing to make progress by having learned 'new' words.

NOTE: I believe that the Duolingo yearly subscription is due on the 250321...and, that will be for £78.00 (approximately).



Unfortunately, I made a very big mistakes by subscribing to FluentU...for a yearly subscription fee: £229.99; when, honestly, all I wanted to do was just take a FREE 14 day trial.

Because, I didn't remember to 'cancel' in time...; therefore, they are still trying to take that amount of funds from out of my bank a/c.; but, so far, have been entirely unsuccessful...quite simply, because I don't have that amount of funds saved in my bank a/c.

I have, repeatedly, tried to cancel this subscription by...

- Going to my Apple iPad Air 2 subscription a/c.; and, cancelling from there; but, it didn't work.

- Going to my Apple iPad Air 2...YouTunes /a/c.; and, cancelling from there; again, it didn't work.

- I even tried writing to them...; and, their reply was I should do the cancellation myself from my end.

Thus, I'm still strugling to cancel.

NOTE: 190321 21:13 I seem to have 'deactivated' my FluentU subscription using the Desktop computer app. However, it did say I will need to 'deactivate' the Apple app subscription, independently, instead: YouTunes/-etc. 


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