270221 Joined both Duolingo Plus/FluentU



After my FREE 14 day trial period ran out a couple of days back...; I decided to join Duolingo Plus on a monthly 'subscription' basis; the subscription is controlled through my Apple app. a/c. The cost is: £12.49 a month.

NOTE: It is actually far cheaper to pay the annual membership of: £70-80...; if you are going to use the app., regularly.

However, because I wasn't too sure if I would 'stick' with learning for a full year; therefore, I decided to try out monthly membership, first; just to see if I would quit/or, not...; if not, then, I will mostly likely switch to paying yearly, instead.



Today, I decided to join FluentU...; once, again, it is a FREE 14 day trial membership. The app subscription process is controlled by my Apple a/c. The monthly cost of membership after the FREE trial period is over is £29.99; which, frankly, I do not intend to pay; instead, I just merely wanted to try out what is their course alike...; is it any better/or, worse that those others I have tried? Frankly, I did not find it to be much better than is say, Duolingo.

So, I'm making a very important note here...; that I should cancel my FluentU membership...either on/or, before 2 weeks time...that should be around the 15th of next month March 2021. (I will try to set myself an Alexa reminder.)




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